Patient with a long standing basal cell carcinoma to the right nose. Patient underwent Mohs surgery in two stages resulting in a full thickness defect of nose and cheek. Patient underwent reconstruction with a paramedian forehead flap.
Patient with history of basal cell carcinoma on nose 10 years ago. Patient’s husband noted skin in area looking “weird”. Biopsy showed infiltrative and metatypical basal cell carcinoma. Patient underwent Mohs surgery in 3 stages with extensive deep defect measuring 3.5cm x 2.8cm. Patient underwent reconstruction with cheek advancement flap, cartilage graft, and paramedian forehead flap.
Patient with a history of previously treated basal cell carcinoma to the nasal tip. Patient developed a recurrence and underwent six stages of Mohs surgery to the nasal tip, cartilage and surrounding tissue. Patient then underwent forehead flap and reconstruction.
Patient with basal cell carcinoma to the right ear mid helix. Patient underwent Mohs surgery and reconstruction with an advancement flap.
Patient with history of extensive basal cell carcinoma of the left cheek. Patient underwent Mohs surgery in three stages with a post operative defect measuring 4.5cm x 5cm. Patient underwent left cheek reconstruction with cervicofacial flap.
Patient with basal cell carcinoma to the left ear mid posterior helix. Patient underwent Mohs surgery with extensive defect and reconstruction with pedicle flap reconstruction.
Patient with an extensive basal cell carcinoma to the right ear. Reconstruction with cartilage graft and pedicle flap from the right postauricular neck.
Patient with a history of basal cell carcinoma to the right ear superior helical sulcus. Patient underwent Mohs surgery in two stages resulting in a 3.0 cm x 1.5 cm defect. Patient underwent reconstruction with a pedicle flap.
Patient with history of basal cell carcinoma right ear superior helix. Patient underwent Mohs surgery in five stages and reconstruction with pedicled temporal parietal fascia flap, ipsilateral ear cartilage graft and split-thickness skin graft.
Patient with a history of squamous cell carcinoma to the left lateral mid tibia. Patient underwent Mohs surgery and the 19mm x 17mm defect was reconstructed with a Keystone flap repair. Final picture 5 weeks post operative.
Before and After Photos - individual results may vary
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